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Does Unilever Test On Animals

Unilever's Commitment to Animal Welfare

Cruelty-free Products and PETA Approval

Unilever is a global leader in the consumer goods industry, and they have a long-standing commitment to animal welfare. They do not test on animals, and they believe that animal testing is not necessary to ensure the safety of their products. Lynx, one of Unilever's top 30 Power Brands, is now PETA-approved, further demonstrating their commitment to animal welfare.

A Long-standing Commitment to Cruelty-free Products

Unilever's commitment to animal testing dates back to the 1980s. In 1989, they became one of the first companies in the world to ban animal testing for all of their products. They have since continued to invest in alternative testing methods, and they now have a wide range of non-animal testing methods at their disposal.

PETA Approval

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is one of the world's leading animal rights organizations. They have a rigorous approval process for companies that claim to be cruelty-free, and Unilever is one of the few companies to have received their approval. This demonstrates Unilever's commitment to animal welfare, and it is a testament to the quality of their non-animal testing methods.

A Model for Other Companies

Unilever's commitment to animal welfare is a model for other companies. They have shown that it is possible to produce safe and effective products without resorting to animal testing. We hope that other companies will follow Unilever's lead and adopt a cruelty-free approach to product testing.
